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The R.E.C.I.P.E. For Social Media Content That Converts

Oh, the joy of social media! Where everyone's an expert, and content is often as thoughtfully crafted as a toddler's finger painting or spaghetti thrown at the wall to see if it sticks. "Just post something, anything," they say. "What's so hard about it?" others ask.


Newsflash: Creating quality social media content isn't as simple as snapping a selfie or sharing a picture of your lunch. There's a distinct method to the madness, a scientific strategy behind producing content that really resonates with your audience. So, let's dive in and unravel the mystery of producing social media content that doesn't, well, suck.


I've studied this for years and discovered that there are six types of SM content people need to see if you want to earn their full interest and engagement. Here's my proven R.E.C.I.P.E. for creating social media content and the proportion of each ingredient you should use:


Recreational  (20%)

Recreational content includes funny items like memes, jokes, silly holiday observances and throwback items. More than anything else, people use social media for entertainment, so give them their share.


Educational  (20%)

This type of content includes facts and trivia, tips and tricks, trends and research, and case studies that would be relevant to their line of business.


Conversational  (20%)

Conversational content is designed to spark actual engagement with your audience. Surveys and polls, asking questions, fill-in-the-blanks quizzes, and giving them this-or-that choices are great ways to spur engagement.


Inspirational  (20%)

Quotes, client success stories, before and after images, and personal anecdotes offer inspiring messages that most everyone appreciates seeing.


Promotional  (10%)

Promotional content should be used sparingly as most people flock to social media for entertainment, not sales pitches. When you do post promotional content, it can include discounts and special offers, customer reviews, and notifications of live events, demonstrations and training webinars.

Entrepreneurial  (10%)

Content like this includes behind-the-scenes looks at your company, personal remarks from the ownership, featured staff / partners, and your mission / values / vision statement.


So there you have it!  Follow my R.E.C.I.P.E. when creating content for your social media channels and you’ll soon start seeing more likes, reposts, followers and actual engagement. All of these will help you build your brand and keep the conversion ball rolling toward getting new paying customers / clients / patients.

PS. Don't forget that regular posting is the key to getting any real traction on social media. Commit to a specific time every day that you'll make a new post (or two) to your SM channels and then stick with it. Your audience and the social media platforms you post to will reward you for doing so.



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