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Is Digital Marketing an Expense or Investment?

Well, it depends on who you ask, but there really is only one correct answer. 

If you ask your company’s accountant, marketing is usually categorized as an operational expense. It would be lumped in with other typical operating expenses like office space, utilities, employee benefits, training and development, equipment, bookkeeping, insurance, legal services and taxes.

All those may be necessary for the long-term health and success of the business, but any ROI they might provide isn’t immediately obvious, and none of them actively bring in new customers or generate sales. 

Marketing is the only "expense" that does. 

Digital marketing is uniquely designed to increase brand awareness, attract potential customers, and then convert them into new paying customers. It links directly to revenue generation and can provide a measurable return on investment, especially when you consider its targeted and measurable results.

Marketing, then, should be viewed as an investment in the growth and future success of the business, rather than just another operational cost. 

Still view marketing as an expense? Well, thanks for coming by and have a great day. 

Or if you see it as an investment in your business, take full advantage of the great free self-help guides you’ll find here on my website. They’ll get you and your staff up to speed on some of the best and most effective digital marketing strategies available today. 

Better yet, if you’d like for me to personally help you with your digital marketing, click the yellow button below to get on my calendar and let’s talk. 

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.



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