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AI Chatbots For Business Websites

If you thought Artificial Intelligence (AI) was only for the corporate giants, you'd be mistaken. AI technology is now available to businesses of all sizes.

Below, click the Play button to watch an AI chatbot built for a dental website perform...


Trained from a private knowledge base, this AI chatbot platform uses a context engine to analyze input data and return information in an understandable way. Applying human-like avatars, Speech-to-Text (STT), and Text-to-Speech (TTS) technology further enriches the enduser experience.

Its knowledge base uses content from the company’s website and blog, MS Word docs, PDFs and other data sources provided to it. You can teach it whatever you want.


Once trained and installed on a website, this chatbot can assist with basic office functions such as:

  • answering commonly asked questions
  • scheduling appointments
  • downloading documents
  • recording voice messages
  • handing visitors off to staff for live chat assistance when requested.


AI chatbot technology like this can also perform valuable back-office services including:

  • gathering visitor names, email addresses, and phone numbers for marketing campaigns
  • providing insights into visitor interest, buyer intent and other psychographic data
  • helping optimize sales funnels and boosting revenue.

AI-powered chatbots have been in use for some time now. Being able to actually speak to a chatbot and get a verbal response delivered through a human-like avatar, though, is a key breakthrough in chatbot technology.


Well-designed chatbots can provide the following benefits to a company:

  • 24/7 support – extends customer support without additional staffing costs
  • Scalability - handles multiple visitor inquiries and other tasks simultaneously
  • Reliability – delivers consistently accurate responses to common inquiries
  • Branding  – provides modern, tech-savvy support that aligns with today’s visitor expectations


Is AI chatbot technology appropriate for everyone? It depends. Staid, tech-reluctant companies might not consider it to be a comfortable fit for them. Conversely, those that embrace new technology and are looking for competitive advantages – especially if they’re operating in crowded local markets and serving younger clients - may find an AI-powered human-like chatbot to be a good reason to dip their toes into the AI waters.

In any event, the evolution of AI chatbot technology will be fascinating to follow as it continues to mature and becomes more commonplace, visibly or not, all around us.



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